New Years Resolutions

Monday, December 29, 2008 |

Well it is that time of year again. And how many of us actually make those New Years Resolutions, but don't stick to them? I know I fall guilty to that every year. The one year I thought rather than give something up or what not I would try to do something that bettered mankind. Well that didn't work either. Well I have decided that this year I need to stick to them. I do have a few that are on top of my list.

1. Get back on the weight loss track.
I was so good about this come August. Then I went to Florida and that fell through. Well I have only gained 10lbs back but I need to lose 50 more. So starting on the 2nd I am getting out my point calculator and hitting the gym like no bodies business.

2. Blog more
I am not much of a blogger, but I have found that it helps me get a lot off my chest when I have no one to talk to. (Granted I am not a great speller and my grammar isn't the best but I do what I can.) I will hold myself to Blog at least once a week.

3. Set a budget.
Now this isn't your typical budget, other then I am cutting back on everything I do. No more toys (only on those special occasions), No more eating out, No more heck anything that I don't need to survive. If I could get away with not paying bills I would so do that. But I kind of need my house and other things to survive.

4. Be more active in my community
I want to be someone that knows what is going on. And by getting out there and trying to make a difference will help me achieve that. Not sure how I will accomplish that but I will be on the look out for it.

5. Spend more quality time with my family.
I want to see my family more this year. Even if that is going home for the weekend just to see them. Family is precious and something that should not be taken lightly.

6. Work on my relationships
Not limiting myself on this one. But I need to work on my relationships with people. Being there for my friends/family/lovers no matter who. Also try to stop being so critical. I tend to over react to things, and that is my downfall. People do not like that. (Note to self this is a MUST)

7. Carry a Journal with me.
I want to carry a journal with me so I can write down funny things, phone numbers or whatever I come across this new year. You would be surprised at how much stuff one misses.

8. ........
I am leaving the rest to things I think of though out the year. Why make all the great choices right now when I know new things will show its ugly head in the near future.

Well that is what I am going to be doing for the New Year. I hope that I will be able to stick to this.

I will keep you all up-to date on the status of these things. I hope all of you have a great New Year and you keep your resolutions this year as well.



K said...

Great resolutions. Good luck to you in the new year!

PS. I totally agree with the blogging thing. I've almost become a daily blog nut. It helps...especially when you feel like you need to sort of 'talk' things out of your head. Mine...have been sorta sad lately. But letting it out has been good. :)