Who do you think you are......

Friday, December 19, 2008 |

Yesterday started off as a fairly good day. Got up went to work, my Branch Manager took me and another guy to lunch. Who am I to pass up a free lunch? Work was actually busy yesterday and I didn't get to spend as much time on Twitter as I usually do. I guess that is a good thing since in less than a month I have almost 1000 posts. (Talk about no life) Got home got cleaned up. Play with my wiener...dogs. (I always get a kick out of that) Showered and left for my last 3 shows of A Tuna Christmas at the Wichita Community Theatre. When I arrived it was the same as usual. Joking around and having a good time.

It wasn't until the 2nd act that I really got pissed. Me and this one guy were talking about Wichita, he said there was nothing to do in Wichita. I disagreed with him, and said you had to look for things to do and that they would not come knocking on your door. He had asked if I had lived in any other place, I replied I had (granted they were smaller places than Wichita but none the less I had.) He said that he had lived in Seattle and that there was so much more to do there. Granted I am sure he is right, but one can't do anything because they are working so much to pay rent or their mortgage. I know this because I have several friends that live in larger cities. Even another guy in the play said he had lived in Hollywood and he never did much because he was working 75+ hours just to stay afloat.

Then the guy say that the only thing to do here is to Go out and drink, see movies, go to bars and such. They guy from Hollywood said that is all he did in California anyways, so that it wasn't any different here. And that the difference here was that he could actually work 40 hours a week and afford to do more things than in Hollywood. Well I mentioned that with him (the other guy not Mr. Hollywood) being younger he still had a lot of life to live before he really could totally understand. And that started a whole nothing mess of crap.

He then said that I knew nothing of the real world and he knew more than me, because he father pulled him out of school at 17 because his parents divorced. He father moved him up to Seattle (because he started dating this girl up there) and he said that he had to work 3 jobs in order to help support him and his father. I was like WTF ever. It isn't my fault that he had such a shitty father that his father would do that to him. Well then I asked if his dad found love with that girl to make him take his son out of school for. He said nope they were not together anymore and then moved back to Wichita. I love how some parents are so selfish that they would do that to their kids. He then said that I could not play the age card since he has experienced more than me in his 23 years. Well I am sorry I think me graduating from High School and College and starting a life, buying a home, working full time at a great job, while he hasn't finished school, works at a shoe store making 8.50 an hour, and renting an apartment that he can hardly afford make my life a little more fulfilled. But to each their own.

So that really upset me and I just was in a fowl mood all night after that. I wanted to blog about it last night but was way to tired to think straight and I didn't want to say something that I might regret. So I am writing this this morning.

Anyways, off that topic. This weekend is my mom's side of the family's Christmas. I have 2 cakes I need to bake and still have like 10 gifts to buy. Maybe I should not have put it off for as long as I did. CRAP. Oh well.

Out show had a modest turn out last night. Only about 23 people came but I think the snow and ice we had the days before made people a little weary to get out. I hope the last 2 shows are good and sold out.

Ok well that is my update/rant for the day. I hope you all have a great and joyous Holiday.

Merry Christmas,