What way is this going to go?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007 |

Good Morning, good afternoon, or good evening (depending on when you are reading this.)
I want to welcome you to my site. I am going to try this blogging thing and see if it actually sticks. I am not sure what way I want to go with this if I want to go with the tell you about my life theme or if I should pick a topic and talk about that. I think I will decided later on.
Anyways right now I want to let you all know what has been going on in my life. Usually it is really boring but this might catch your fancy. (who knows) So I started weight watchers 2 weeks ago and in my first week I lost 4.5 lbs YIPPIE ME. I weigh in tonight so I will let you know what it happens to be tonight. My goal is going to try to get down to 200lbs, that might be a long shot but one never knows until one tries. So this is where I am headed to. It isn't as hard as I thought it would be I have to write down EVERYTHING I eat. If you bite it write it. Little moto from WW. I get 40 points a day to use and I can use them how ever I want so if i want pizza I just have to figure up what the point will be and then I can eat it. I want to make the points I eat a day lower but if I go to low starting out I get a little to hungry, (ya I know a fat guy getting hungry hahahahah) So I usually only eat about 32 points a day but have that extra if I need it. Plus we get an extra 35 a week to use how ever we want. So I save them every week and never use them cuse who is to say that I wont want something really nice and big for dinner? So I am just holding out plus i feel better if I don't use them. What is nice is the extra 35 restart over every week. I am in the process of trying to join a gym just not sure where I want to work out at. I worked out at the Y for a while but now we have all that stupid road construction on Kellogg so it takes alot of time to get there. Also all the other gyms are really poopy or really expensive. So I guess I will end up back at the Y. I just really hope this is something that I can stick with. Any words of encouragement would be nice heheheheh.

Last weekend we (my friends Stefani and Eric Lowe) went to Eureka Springs. We had the best time. We got in Friday night and ate at one of the best italian places ever called Ermilos. It wasn't to expensive and not enough food to make you over stuffed. It rocked. Then we were all tired and went to bed. talk about party poopers. HEHEHE. Then Saturday came the day of SHOPPING Stefani was in love. She was a spending machine hahahaha. She (I think got alot of christmas shopping done) Way to go Stefani. Her Hubby Eric wasn't to thrilled that he had to spend most of the day shopping but he had to live with it. That night we went to the haunted hotel tour. It was awesome. I got some great pictures of Ghost orbs (or dust as what eric called it) (pictures to follow) Either way it was a good time. Then came Sunday and MORE SHOPPING. Then the Erueka Scream haunted house. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be it was actually alot of fun. They had some really neat things. Then came monday and we were on our way back home. Why do vacations have to be so darn fast.
Ok that is all for now I will write more later.


ecrlowe said...

He got pics of lots of dust, just wait and see!

schartzr said...

DUST DUST DUST.....not dust Ghosts

ecrlowe said...

First I ate the chicken, then I ate the egg!

Chic Jean said...

Congrats on the loss!