This Day

Thursday, November 8, 2007 |

Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Or Good Evening

This day has turned into the day of hell. I thought it would start off good but things went down hill fast.

Anyways let me try to put a different spin on things. My diet has been going well. Well except for yesterday. Not that it was a bad day but just did alot of "stress eating" but I still ended up not using 10 points so I did well. I ate lot of veggies instead of the nasty stuff. I also made it to the gym. YIPPIE me!!!! I did weigh at the gym not sure how much I can trust the scale there but it did say I was at 311 if that is the case that is another 4.5lbs I lost. I am not keeping my hopes up but I hope so. (HOPE HOPE HOPE) I am working towards my ultimate goal of 190# and as you can see that is a long way off. But so far (if the scale at the Y was right) I have lost 10 lbs in almost 2.5 weeks. THAT IS GREAT......I just realized that. WOW. Maybe this Weight Watchers thing works. I am trying to make sure I walk 2 miles a day if not more. then after that for 2 weeks I will move up to 3 miles and do that for a few weeks and just keep working my way up till I get to 5-8 miles a day. That is a long way off but will be here soon enough.

