Well since I went off on my last post I am going to try to explain why it is important to support the local arts.
City government can't support and fund every local arts organization or music venue. Thus making it important for the local community to get out there and support it. That doesn’t mean go to the bar and drink all night and “listen” to the band, that means taking an active stance and help them out. Buy their CD’s or T-Shirts, or finically support them. We all know that money doesn’t grow on trees.
Also what type of world would we live in if we did not have the cultural thing there to brighten our day. Maybe it is going to see Shakespeare in the Park, or maybe it is going down to Mead’s Corner and listening to your favorite band. Whatever it might be that puts that little smile on your face, just think of what it would be like with out that there.
For me, I perform in a lot of shows at the Wichita Community Theatre. That theatre is 100% non profit. Every dollar that is given or spent on tickets goes to help put that 1 show on. Everyone donates their time and talent to make the place run. So why not show up on a weekend and help build a set or, go to an audition and perform in a show? Something, anything to help with the art scene in Wichita.
If you don’t know how or where to start, let me know and I can help direct you in the right direction, put you in contact with people that can get you started. There is so much in this town to be proud of, and with out your support and help these things will start to die out and then there will not be those things that help put that smile on your face.
Thanks for reading.
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