New Years Resolutions

Monday, December 29, 2008 |

Well it is that time of year again. And how many of us actually make those New Years Resolutions, but don't stick to them? I know I fall guilty to that every year. The one year I thought rather than give something up or what not I would try to do something that bettered mankind. Well that didn't work either. Well I have decided that this year I need to stick to them. I do have a few that are on top of my list.

1. Get back on the weight loss track.
I was so good about this come August. Then I went to Florida and that fell through. Well I have only gained 10lbs back but I need to lose 50 more. So starting on the 2nd I am getting out my point calculator and hitting the gym like no bodies business.

2. Blog more
I am not much of a blogger, but I have found that it helps me get a lot off my chest when I have no one to talk to. (Granted I am not a great speller and my grammar isn't the best but I do what I can.) I will hold myself to Blog at least once a week.

3. Set a budget.
Now this isn't your typical budget, other then I am cutting back on everything I do. No more toys (only on those special occasions), No more eating out, No more heck anything that I don't need to survive. If I could get away with not paying bills I would so do that. But I kind of need my house and other things to survive.

4. Be more active in my community
I want to be someone that knows what is going on. And by getting out there and trying to make a difference will help me achieve that. Not sure how I will accomplish that but I will be on the look out for it.

5. Spend more quality time with my family.
I want to see my family more this year. Even if that is going home for the weekend just to see them. Family is precious and something that should not be taken lightly.

6. Work on my relationships
Not limiting myself on this one. But I need to work on my relationships with people. Being there for my friends/family/lovers no matter who. Also try to stop being so critical. I tend to over react to things, and that is my downfall. People do not like that. (Note to self this is a MUST)

7. Carry a Journal with me.
I want to carry a journal with me so I can write down funny things, phone numbers or whatever I come across this new year. You would be surprised at how much stuff one misses.

8. ........
I am leaving the rest to things I think of though out the year. Why make all the great choices right now when I know new things will show its ugly head in the near future.

Well that is what I am going to be doing for the New Year. I hope that I will be able to stick to this.

I will keep you all up-to date on the status of these things. I hope all of you have a great New Year and you keep your resolutions this year as well.


Loss Of A Family Member

Wednesday, December 24, 2008 |

Well today started off well. I had those last few gifts to buy, so I was running around town trying to find them. I needed them before I left for town as they were my parets gifts. I was leaving at 11:30 and the way things were looking I would not make it in time. Well I found what I needed and it was a joyous day.

Got the car packed, presents wrapped, and was out the door only 10 minutes late. On the way to Great Bend we watched Elf on my iPhone, I never get tired of that movie.

When I arrived in Great Bend and my parents house j noticed something missing. Sophie our dog we had since I was in 7th grade. I just assumed she was out back and just pushed it to the back of my mind. Then when I was talking to my sister I asked why she was so sad and she went out to show me why. Sophie had passed away. The buried her in the back yard. My sister said she wrapped her in one of her baby doll blankets. That made me cry. I don't think I have really grasped the loss. She was my all time favorite dog. I remember all the good times we had. All the car rides. All the shared ice cream cones. All the nights sleeping in my bed with me. She was a very good dog and will be missed.

I just hate to look forward to the day I will need to put one of my dogs to sleep. I worry ever day about Gunner and his issues but I know that he will have the best life possible till that day comes.

Well I need to go church is starting. Sorry about any typos as this is being typed on my iPhone.

Merry Christmas all, and give your dogs a hug tonight and let them know how much you love them


Posted with LifeCast

Who do you think you are......

Friday, December 19, 2008 |

Yesterday started off as a fairly good day. Got up went to work, my Branch Manager took me and another guy to lunch. Who am I to pass up a free lunch? Work was actually busy yesterday and I didn't get to spend as much time on Twitter as I usually do. I guess that is a good thing since in less than a month I have almost 1000 posts. (Talk about no life) Got home got cleaned up. Play with my wiener...dogs. (I always get a kick out of that) Showered and left for my last 3 shows of A Tuna Christmas at the Wichita Community Theatre. When I arrived it was the same as usual. Joking around and having a good time.

It wasn't until the 2nd act that I really got pissed. Me and this one guy were talking about Wichita, he said there was nothing to do in Wichita. I disagreed with him, and said you had to look for things to do and that they would not come knocking on your door. He had asked if I had lived in any other place, I replied I had (granted they were smaller places than Wichita but none the less I had.) He said that he had lived in Seattle and that there was so much more to do there. Granted I am sure he is right, but one can't do anything because they are working so much to pay rent or their mortgage. I know this because I have several friends that live in larger cities. Even another guy in the play said he had lived in Hollywood and he never did much because he was working 75+ hours just to stay afloat.

Then the guy say that the only thing to do here is to Go out and drink, see movies, go to bars and such. They guy from Hollywood said that is all he did in California anyways, so that it wasn't any different here. And that the difference here was that he could actually work 40 hours a week and afford to do more things than in Hollywood. Well I mentioned that with him (the other guy not Mr. Hollywood) being younger he still had a lot of life to live before he really could totally understand. And that started a whole nothing mess of crap.

He then said that I knew nothing of the real world and he knew more than me, because he father pulled him out of school at 17 because his parents divorced. He father moved him up to Seattle (because he started dating this girl up there) and he said that he had to work 3 jobs in order to help support him and his father. I was like WTF ever. It isn't my fault that he had such a shitty father that his father would do that to him. Well then I asked if his dad found love with that girl to make him take his son out of school for. He said nope they were not together anymore and then moved back to Wichita. I love how some parents are so selfish that they would do that to their kids. He then said that I could not play the age card since he has experienced more than me in his 23 years. Well I am sorry I think me graduating from High School and College and starting a life, buying a home, working full time at a great job, while he hasn't finished school, works at a shoe store making 8.50 an hour, and renting an apartment that he can hardly afford make my life a little more fulfilled. But to each their own.

So that really upset me and I just was in a fowl mood all night after that. I wanted to blog about it last night but was way to tired to think straight and I didn't want to say something that I might regret. So I am writing this this morning.

Anyways, off that topic. This weekend is my mom's side of the family's Christmas. I have 2 cakes I need to bake and still have like 10 gifts to buy. Maybe I should not have put it off for as long as I did. CRAP. Oh well.

Out show had a modest turn out last night. Only about 23 people came but I think the snow and ice we had the days before made people a little weary to get out. I hope the last 2 shows are good and sold out.

Ok well that is my update/rant for the day. I hope you all have a great and joyous Holiday.

Merry Christmas,

Well folk it looks like we might have that White Christmas so many people I know want. Well as I have told all of them people as well be sure to be at my house before I leave for work to shovel off my driveway, because I am in no way ready for the snow. And do you think any of them showed up? Hell no. So where do we go from here? No where that is where. hehehe.

I really don't mind the snow all that much. But it makes for hectic times at my house. Having 5 dogs, that are no more than 2-4 inches off the ground, that don't like to hop around in the show to try to find a place to pee, they end up peeing in my house. I must thank the high heavens for the simple face I have hard wood floors and pee clean up is a snap. But that still does not deter the fact that it is a royal pain in the ass to clean up every 2 minutes. Oh well I love them. They keep me warm at night in the bed and are great cuddle bugs.

So I bought me a new Coffee pot for home, because thanks to @kurioskurion and Mead's Corner I am now a coffee freak. (Or so I claim to be) Well I went to Target and bought a really nice stainless steal one. Got home, unboxed it, cleaned it out, put it all together and then put the water in the water reserve. Sat there for a minute and started to hear some really weird noises. Then what do my wondering eye behold? Water all over my counter top. Some how the stupid coffee pot was leaking water from the bottom none the less. I thought I had done something wrong. So rather than package it all back together and just take it back to Target, I decided to give it one more try. Well I don't think I need to go any further then to tell you the same thing happened again. So I fiddled with it a little more tried to remove the bottom to see what was wrong, and again not just packaging it up, and could not find anything. Now you may be thinking, "Why is he so determined to make to make it work?" Well like I said in my first sentence of this rant I am hooked on coffee now. So against my better judgment I packed it up and took it back to Target, but not before i decided to post my adventure on Twitter. Well needless to say I was made fun of for a few tweets and was told user error. Well with the new one I got I proceeded to set it up the same way last night and guess was not USER Error hehehe. I had a defective one. I was so glad to figure that out. Otherwise I might have started to cry.

Anyways on to the rest of the story. Since I became a Twitter fiend I have found a great new place for some of the best coffee around. Mead's Corner. It is located at Douglas and Emporia. Now I have only been there twice, but that there is a good sign. If I do not like a place I never almost NEVER go back. But @kurioskurion makes a mean latte, and I am sure other things but haven't tried them yet. So if you get a chance to head down there tell them @schartzr sent you, you will not be disappointed.

I hope that you all have a great day and a great week. I know with all the snow I will be having a nice cold day/week/something.



Monday, December 8, 2008 |

Hey all,

I know it has been a while, but I am back. I wanted to let you know of a new thing that has really become a type of drug for me. Twitter. It is a great little thing where you post a 140 characters about what you are doing at that time and it give people an new insight into your life.

They had what was called a Tweetup (Twitter=meet up=tweet up) this weekend but I was not able to make it. Seemed like they had a good time. I am looking forward to the next time they host a Tweetup.

This weekend was kind of crazy. Our theatre production went well we were almost sold out on Friday and totally Sold out on Saturday. My first sold out show. Amazing. And word is that the rest of the performances are almost on the brink of being sold out.

I have also been busy getting ready for my Christmas Party this weekend. I have so much to do that it is not even funny. I hope a lot of people show up and have a good time. If you are interested in coming please let me know. Should be a blast.

My parents are getting ready celebrate their anniversary tomorrow. Hard to believe that it is 30 years. Man I am OLD. LOL. So they were in town this weekend and I went over to babysit my sister at the hotel why they went out and had a night on the town. (Which for them is only going out to dinner) They went to Scotch and Sirloin and about had a cow. They have never paid that much for a dinner for 2 EVER, they said. I told them to get over and move on. They need to do that every once in a while.

Anyways it is another week and another week closer to the new year. I do hope everyone has a great rest of the year.
